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Parking Services
Location: Hollinshead Hall, 1st Floor
Melissa Lee, Campus Safety Sergeant
Ph. # 570-945-8077
Email Contact

Vehicle Registration and Parking

All vehicles parked on campus must be registered with Keystone College Department of Campus Safety. A parking permit will be issued and must be displayed as instructed. Students, faculty, and staff will be held responsible for any vehicle registered with the College even if the registered vehicle is not owned by said individual. The possession of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space in any particular location. All students, faculty, staff, and College business partners are expected to observe campus parking regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register my vehicle?

You will need your driver’s license number and complete vehicle information (year, make, model, color, etc.), and your vehicle registration information (plate number and state).

  1. Log in to your MyKC account. 
  2. Go to the Student tab at the top of the page. (from mobile device you will need to click the icon to expand the menu, and then scroll to find correct tab)
  3. Click on the Vehicle Registration link on the left side of the page. (click the large blue arrow on a mobile device to expand the left menu)
  4. Click again on Vehicle Registration
  5. Enter the requested information for the Permit Holder and Vehicle Information sections
  6. Scroll to bottom of page and to the right, to find the “Next Page” link


Where do I get my parking permit?

Once your vehicle is registered through MyKC, your permit will be available for pickup at the Campus Safety Office within 24 business hours.

What can happen if I have a car on campus without a permit?

Any vehicle parked on Keystone College property without being registered and displaying a permit may be ticketed, booted and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

What will happen if I park on College Avenue / College Road?

Neither College Avenue (Factoryville Borough) nor College Road (La Plume Township) is an allowable parking location. There are several authorized locations along this main thoroughfare for students to utilize. Vehicles may be ticketed, booted and/or towed. A fine incurred for parking on College Ave /Rd is not subject to appeal.

In addition, vehicles parked on this College Avenue / College Road are subject to enforcement action from state or local police. The College has no control over such action.

What should I do if I lose my permit?

If you lose your permit, contact the Department of Campus Safety at parking@bjlanjia.com. There will be a $5.00 charge for a new one.

Do I need to re-register my car each semester?

No. Your student parking permit will carry an expiration date. You only need to inform Parking Services if you change your vehicle, license plate(s), etc.

What if I get a new vehicle?

Students who purchase a new vehicle should provide the new vehicle information to the Parking Services Office, via email at parking@bjlanjia.com.

I have two vehicles. Do I need permits for both of them?

No. Parking permits are registered and issued to individuals. Permits (except motorcycle permits) are made of cling material and may be transferred by the student registrant to any vehicle the student is parking on campus. If you have two vehicles, register the vehicle that you will be driving most often in MyKC.

What if I cannot find a parking spot near my class building or dorm?

The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Inability to locate a convenient spot is not an excuse for violating College parking regulations and will not be accepted as a basis for appeal. Students are advised to allow enough time to find a legal parking space. Students should consider carpool arrangements wherever possible.

When are College parking regulations enforced?

College parking rules, regulations, and enforcement are in effect all year, including periods when classes are not in session, as well as on weekends.

If my vehicle has been booted, how do I have the boot removed?

The driver of a booted vehicle must pay the seventy-five dollar ($75.00) boot removal fee at the Student Central office, first floor, Ward Hall. Bring the receipt of payment to the Campus Safety office to arrange for removal of the boot from the vehicle. The removal fee may also be paid at the Campus Safety office by check or money order only (no cash or credit cards).

I received a citation I didn’t deserve. How do I submit an appeal?

Any student wishing to challenge a citation or other action may submit an appeal. All appeals must be submitted on-line at appeals.bjlanjia.com (on campus only) In order to maintain fairness and integrity of the appeals process, all appeals will be reviewed by an appeals committee.

How do I sign up for the Carpooling discount?

Students interested in taking advantage of the carpooling discount should visit the Campus Safety office, located in Hollinshead Hall. Students can obtain the required form there. A minimum of two (2) registered students must participate in each separate carpool arrangement. Each participating student will receive a $15.00 discount toward their respective semester parking fees. Carpoolers must re-apply each semester, even if there are no changes. The reason for re-application is to ensure the credit is re-applied to each eligible student’s account.

What if I am driving a different vehicle today?

Parking permits are made of a cling-type material. Your permit can be taken from one registered vehicle and placed on the other vehicle. Failing to move the permit could result in an otherwise unnecessary citation and appeals process.

What if my car won’t start?

Contact the Campus Safety department at (570) 945-8989. In many cases, a Campus Safety officer can jump-start your vehicle. If he or she cannot, arrangements can be made for the vehicle to be kept on campus temporarily.